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Westieri Beds streamlines waste with Mil-tek Baler Solution

Handling cardboard and plastic efficiently.

More space to grow the production

The production and packaging processes of bed frames at Westieri Beds generate significant amounts of cardboard and plastic waste, so an efficient 306 baler was installed. In addition to keeping the manufacturing environment cleaner, the installation of the baler has resulted in significant cost savings.

Blue baler and large pile of cardboard at Westieri Beds

Several processes in bed production generate waste

Westieri Beds is a UK manufacturer of divan bed frames. The production of bed frames is a fascinating blend of design, engineering, and craftsmanship. When a product is finished, it is carefully packaged to prevent damage during transportation to retailers or directly to customers.

Both the production and packaging processes generate large amounts of packaging waste in the form of cardboard and plastic.

Westieri Beds teamed up with Mil-tek, and we installed a baler on their premises to handle the waste.

Blue baler and large pile of cardboard at Westieri Beds

Baler 306 to handle cardboard and plastic

A Mil-tek 306 baler was installed to bale the waste cardboard and clear plastics. A 306 is the old version of Mil-tek’s 406 baler. With a wide chamber that can accommodate larger pieces of cardboard and plastic from bed construction, this type of baler is highly effective for this purpose.

By disposing of cardboard and plastic – separately – directly into the baler as waste is generated, the internal workflow is greatly streamlined and a lot of space is saved.

blue baler at westieri beds with open door and cardboard bale inside chamber

Concentrating on making high-quality beds

Westieri Beds has experienced several benefits after teaming up with Mil-tek;

  • Trips to the recycling centre have been swapped for free collection of baled materials
  • The cost per load has been swapped to a rebate
  • The waste areas are neater and tidier allowing for them to be utilised for production instead of waste

Owner quote:

“Thanks to Mil-tek we now have space to grow our production, have cleared our site and saved money by dealing with our own waste card and plastic.”

Partial view of a bed from Westieri Beds in an empty room with wooden floors

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