Free Baler Trial
Uncertain whether you should invest in a baler for your business? Mil-tek offers Free Trials on all air powered Balers and Compactors, new or used.
Try a baler for Free – ideal for helping you choose your baler!
With Mil-tek UK, you have the opportunity to test a machine before you buy it.
Having a baler installed in your own environment and having the possibility to try it in “everyday settings” can be a big help in deciding whether or not you should actually invest in one.

Free Baler Trial – how does it work?
If both parties agree there is a saving and clear business case, Mil-tek will deliver, install and train all relevant staff on use of the Baler / Compactor.
The usual Free Trial length is two weeks, giving you enough time to make the relevant internal changes for the benefits to be realised. A mod trial meeting is then set up to ensure everything is working as planned, it also gives a further week to assess the progress if any unforeseen changes need to be made.

It is important for both parties to agree the benefits that are to be targeted prior to the start of the Free Trial
Benefits can include:
Waste Cost Savings – reduced overall cost verses the current solution, which may be alternative machinery or more often bins and skips.
Efficiency – Many of our large premises customers realise huge savings by using a lean waste handling methodology, reducing the man hours spent on transporting or handling recycling material. Mil-tek specialise in Lean and can make considerable savings for our continuous improvement focussed customers.
Improved recycling – Meeting company targets or legislation to ensure the right materials are segregated and recycled. Baling is a great way to improve recycling g rates, ensuring plastic and cardboard all stays out of general waste bins or skips.
*Should the trial not deliver the benefits agreed, then Mil-tek will collect the machinery free of charge*
If you choose to keep the baler
We ask that our customers decide on their preferred option before the trial start date; Rental, lease or purchase. Mil-tek offers all financial options to suit your current financial appetite.
Many customers choose an all inclusive rental option, inclusive of delivery, install training and maintenance for the duration of the contract. No capital outlay and savings from day one.

Request a Free Trial
Use the form to send us your information and details about what kind of machine(s) you are interested in.
We’ll return to you shortly.