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Can you put plastic in a baler?

If you would like to know the answer to the question, Can you put plastic in a baler? Read our helpful guide to learn.

Can you put Plastic in a Baler?

Balers are generally used to condense recyclable materials into smooth-to-transport and dense bales and to reduce waste. Some materials that can be successfully baled include paper, cardboard, aluminium, and non-ferrous materials. However, a commonly asked question is whether plastic can be put in a baler.

two blue balers for plastic

Plastic can – and should – be baled

There’re various types of plastic, including PET bottles, hard plastic (HDPE), Big-Bags, and soft plastic (LDPE). Soft plastic is usually the most recycled type of plastic, but the truth is that all kinds of plastic can be put in a baler and condensed into reusable materials, even plastic drums. Nonetheless, you should pay close attention to the type of plastic baler chosen for correct recycling, as not all balers can be used for all plastics.

plastic up close

Balers for LDPE

LDPE is especially common in the industrial, service, and commercial sectors, where companies often use it to protect goods on pallets. But regardless of the usefulness of this material, it must be further sorted and baled to ensure it doesn’t pollute the environment. Balers for LDPE are the go-to solution in this regard, and the best part is that they’re found in a wide variety, from high to low compression ratio balers.

Compressed plastic waste tightly bound into large rectangular bales after being processed through a baler

Balers for HDPE and PVC

HDPE and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are typically rigid and strong materials, so a baler for LDPE, for example, wouldn’t be suitable to condense them. A high-pressing-force baler, instead, is the optimal solution. This type of balers has a very durable and tough construction, making them more convenient for plastic coming from TVs, computers, or other electronics.

three blue plastic bottles with yellow lids

Balers for plastic containers and PET bottles

One of the most frequently encountered problems in the food industry (and not only) relates to the disposal of plastic containers and PET bottles. And choosing the wrong baler is a reason for that. This type of material should be placed in a suitably large and high-pressing-force baler – and attention – carefully punctured or unscrewed before compacting.

pet plastic bottle close up

Why plastic baling?

Apart from reducing the environmental impact, putting the right type of plastic in the right type of baler can minimise the waste volume by up to 90 per cent. Correct plastic recycling is also a sort of life saviour if we’re to consider the money, time, and space it saves for you and your company.

So, the answer to the question “Can plastic be put in a baler” in a nutshell, is definitely yes.

a blue baler for plastic

What do you want to compact?

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