What does the red button on the baler do?
If you have ever wondered what the red button on the baler does, then our informative article answers the question for you.
What does the red button on the baler do?
Balers are pieces of machinery that can help businesses in all industries improve their waste management process by compressing and binding different types of recyclable materials, such as cardboard, aluminium, plastic, paper products, etc., into bales, thus facilitating handling, transportation, and storage.
Balers are not necessarily complex machines, which ensures easy operability. They comprise of a steel frame that supports a hydraulic ram powered by an electric engine pump. The pump pushes the ram against the material until dense packages also known as bales, are formed. The bales are then tied up and deposited onto a pallet until they are sent to recycling.

Follow instructions on user manuals
Even if balers are relatively easy to manage, one still needs to undergo proper training in order to safely operate the equipment and guarantee optimum results at all times. This implies reading the instructions manual carefully and understanding what each button on the baler’s control panel does, including the red button.
Balers come in many different sizes to match various compaction needs, but they all have safety features like the red button that are meant to reduce risks and keep everyone out of danger. New-generation balers are extremely efficient, and if you follow the instructions laid out in the operator manual, the chances of dealing with issues while using them are relatively low.

Every operator should know the emergency procedure
However, balers, just like any other piece of equipment, can sometimes experience issues, such as leaks or blockages, especially if they’re not maintained and handled correctly. Since balers are powerful machines, even a small issue can lead to disastrous consequences, which stresses the importance of being aware of the potential risks and hazards and knowing exactly what to do if something were to go wrong.
In the event of an emergency, the first thing you need to do is shut off the power to the machine. That’s what the big red button on the baler is for. Once you’ve pushed the emergency stop button, the baler will immediately cease to function and will remain inoperable until you take further action. If pushing the emergency button doesn’t stop the power to the machine, you’ll have to pull the disconnect switch handles at the mains, which will interrupt power completely. Every person who’s authorised to operate a baler needs to know this emergency procedure in order to avoid or solve potential issues.

What do you want to compact?
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