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Polystyrene Recycling Solutions

Correctly disposing of EPS in bulk has long presented a challenge for businesses. Not anymore.

Dispose of expanded polystyrene

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a versatile plastic used to make a wide variety of consumer products. Being a hard, solid plastic material, polystyrene is extremely useful for packaging in many industries.

However, it can take hundreds of years for expanded polystyrene to biodegrade and correct disposal of EPS is a headache for many companies. With the right equipment, EPS can be compacted and recycled easily.

From “airy”, expensive waste to compacted revenue

Consisting of 95-98% air, polystyrene is a type of waste that can take up an incredible amount of space. Disposal of EPS waste is normally to bag it and dispose of it in bulk, at significant costs.

A Mil-tek EPS Compactor machine works in two stages; First, the polystyrene is shredded to remove both the shape and the air contained within. This is then heated, compacted and reformed into a briquette or block. The block is extremely dense (300kg/m3) with an overall volume reduction of 40:1 (97.5%).

Stacks of white polystyrene boxes

What kind of EPS can I recycle?

There are many different forms of polystyrene including moulded sheets for building and packaging peanuts, but the most commonly used form is EPS6. It is also the only form of polystyrene that can be processed in a EPS Compactor.

The processed EPS6 blocks can be sold and recycled into plastic components such as electronics, toys etc. You therefore not only make substantial savings compared to sending your EPS waste in bulk to landfills, you also generate revenue for your company as well as increase your company’s sustainability.

eps and polystyrene

Have a question?

Get in touch today to learn more about how Mil-tek can help your business save time, space and money by better handling polystyrene waste.

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